Monday, August 27, 2007

McCook Agility Trial

The food people took me to a 3 day agility trial this weekend.
I did something very naughty Friday morning.
The food lady was crying.
I decided to be a very good boy for the rest of the day.
The food lady and I got a 1st place in JWW and a 1st place in standard
The food people bought me a double cheeseburger.
The next day, my aussie friend Sheff got his MACh.
Getting your MACh is a BIG deal.
The food lady cried after that.
Then MACh Sheff's mom announced that she was going to have a baby.
The food lady cried some more.
Here are MACh Sheffields runs courtesy of Mary.

I got another 1st place in standard on Saturday.
I got another double cheeseburger.

Sunday was our last day of the trial.
I decided to be a good boy again.
The food lady and I walked away with another 1st place finish in standard.
My new name is Fergus OA, NAJ.
The food lady cried some more after we were done running.
I think she is really proud of me.
I do the best I can.
I got a big fat steak for dinner.
I shared with Jameson and Ryder.
Why do I have to share my rewards with other dogs????
Don't I look thrilled with my accomplishments?


Whitney said...

Yea Fergus and the food lady!!! You guys rocked McCook this weekend -- you should be SO proud!!!

ps - it is total BS that Fergus has to share his steak with Ryder and Jameson... they didn't do any of the work *wink*

Polly said...

Yeah, but Fergus wanted to celebrate with his friends like the food lady celebrated with hers!!!

Great job, Team Fergus!!! Your patience and hard work paid off.

Barb Cote said...

Yeah Fergus! The food lady and you are awesome. Three standard legs in one weekend is an amazing accomplishment!