Wednesday, January 7, 2009

McCook New Year's Agility Trial

Well friends, I am happy to report that I did NOT lose my rockstar status this weekend.
In fact, I think I may have earned the right to hold on to it for a while.
The trial started on Friday and I was a little confused.
The food lady came over to the xpen and took out my brother first.
Then a few minutes later I heard her playing agility with him!!
What the heck was going on???
I guess my little brother did okay, he was kinda of nervous at first, but I heard that he
stayed with the food lady and was really happy by the end. hmmm
That was all I needed to step up my game.
The food lady and I ran JWW first. There was a tunnel in the corner and the food lady gave me no indication of which end I should take so I took the closest one. Then, there they were: my nemesis: those damn weave poles. Well, I wasn't going to let them get the best of me this time. I nailed my entrance and then popped at the 10th pole because once again the food lady screwed up and didn't go all the way to the end.
Next up was standard. I was still a little peeved about Ryder getting to play, so I once again did those stinking weave poles, nailed all my contacts and didn't knock any bars! And if you can believe this, the food lady didn't screw up either!
Friday night, we went to my yellow lab friends house. I love to go visit Abby, Alex and Remi. They have a great backyard. I ran for hours. (probably wasn't the smartest thing for me to do, since I had 2 more days of agility coming up) One of my girlfriends, Lisa, came all the way to Chicago to visit. My aunt Whitney's think she came to see them, but I know she really came to see me. She loves me.
Saturday, the food lady did it again. She took my brother out AGAIN to play agility and then, get this, she played agility with Dylan too!! What is she thinking???? Ryder had a good time again and opted to do the wing jumps that he found so terrifying the day before. However, there was a green tunnel that frightened him this time. What a goof that baby brother of mine is.
I had a really nice JWW but I knocked the first bar. And my standard run was OK too. Once again, the food lady screwed me up.
Sunday, I decided I really needed to step up to the plate. Ryder had a really nice JWW run and had so much fun with the food lady. I needed to make sure the food lady didn't forget how much fun I am. I had a great JWW run and got my 2nd AXJ leg. I don't know why I have such a hard time with JWW. I like standard so much better. Want to know why? There is a pause table. That's right, I can rest for a few moments mid run. And you all know how much I love to rest. The weekend wound down with me getting another Q in standard.
So there you go folks, I am still the rockstar in the house, Ryder got his first agility runs under his belt and we all had a great time this weekend. Dogs and people!!
Next up on my schedule is some Dockdogs in a couple weeks. That's going to be great. I haven't jumped since October!!!!!


Bitty Brother said...

YAY for the Fman!!!! He did AMAZING.. and most definitely is holding onto that rockstar status. I'm so happy for you guys.. I love the videos.

Ryder was GREAT too! What a great debut!! I am so glad I was apart of it..

Give my man a big kiss for me.. tell him I'll be back real soon to visit HIM. hehehe

Barb Cote said...

Yeah for F-dog! Don't worry - you'll always be the golden rockstar to me. (But your little brother is a close second!)

Whitney said...

Both Fergus and Ryder were great at McCook -- nice way to start 2009!!!