Thursday, September 13, 2007

Summer is almost over......

Well, summer is almost over. On one hand it makes me very sad, but on the other hand, it will nice and cool now. much better for me and my furry coat!!!!

This past weekend, the food people took me to Merrillville, IN for agility camp! I had a lot of fun and also got to go swimming. I really like to do agility. But someone needs to talk to the food lady about her handling skills. Sometimes she needs special help!

Ryder got to spend a lot of time with his littermate, Ernie, this weekend too! I also got to see my friend Snickers. I saw lots of my dog friends including Dylan and Paris.

Yesterday the food people took Ryder and me to the beach. It was a lot of fun!!! Ryder is still a bit hesitant about getting in the water, but I think someday he will learn to love it. He has no choice. The food people take us to the water a lot.

1 comment:

Whitney said...

I'm so glad Fergus protected his little brother from the other/mean dogs...

Are they pooping next to each other?!?! LOL!