Monday, April 7, 2008

Trip to the beach!!!

This weekend the food people FINALLY took us back to the beach.
My brother, Jameson, was staying with us this weekend too.
I like when he stays over. He plays with Ryder and I can get some
much needed rest. I brought my beloved cuz to the beach too.
However, Saturday night I left my cuz at my friends house.
I hope they will bring it back to me this weekend.
I cannot live without my yellow cuz.
Do you think my cuz will be ok?

The food people tried to sneak in this green cuz.
I only went to get it once. Then it floated away.

Ryder had a good time at the beach too.
He ran around and even got in the water!!
We were all very proud of him.
The food people keep telling him he better learn to love
the water or he is going to have a really boring summer!
Look at him go!!!

He is very vain too.
He likes to stand around and look all handsome.
And everyone walks by and tells him how good looking he is.

Ryder also introduced himself to this little French Bulldog.
psst, Ryder, you take poops bigger than that dog!
It's also good to have a brother to help you dig holes
We got a lot more accomplished with the 2 of us digging.


OdyDog said...

Fergus, your food lady takes some great photos. Remi said he wants to come to the beach, too!

Polly said...

Fergus, don't they know the green Cuz is just not the same? I hope the yellow one comes back soon.

alicia marie said...

poor likey the green cuz??? and they say dogs are colorblind.....pshaw!

Whitney said...

I'm so glad you boys got to play at the beach!!!