Tuesday, October 30, 2007

What happened to my puppy???

My little puppy used to weigh 13 pounds.
He now weighs 36 pounds.
Holy crap! What happened???
This weekend the food people took us to the dog park in
Lake Forest. My aussie and Red Dog friends met us.
We had lots of fun!!!
We swam and fetched the cuz and ran for 2 hours.
It was great!!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Grandma's house!

This weekend the food people took us to see Grandma.
Grandma lives in southern Illinois.
Grandma LOVES me. I am the only dog allowed in her house.
She likes to feed me stuff that the food people wouldn't feed me.
I don't complain. Grandma's know best right???
The food people also took me to an agility trial!
I had a great time. Saturday I ran very nicely for the food lady.
I got a 3rd place in Open JWW and finished my title.
I also got a 2nd place in Excellent A Standard!!!
Then the food people took me to get a cheeseburger!!!
Have I mentioned that I love cheeseburgers?? I DO!!
But once again, I had to share my cheeseburger with my little brother.
Its ok though, I like him.
He just better make sure he shares with me at some point!